CoolSNAP ™ HQ2 Monochrome Datasheet HIGH PERFORMANCE EMCCD CCD CAMERAS FOR LIFE SCIENCES x imaging array x µm pixels The CoolSNAP HQ2 Monochrome camera from Photometrics® delivers fast, high-resolution imaging for quantitative fluorescence microscopy www.doorway.rug: manual. The CoolSNAPHQ2 Monochrome camera from Photometrics® delivers fast, high-resolution imaging for quantitative fluorescence microscopy applications. This cooled CCD camera provides a large dynamic range with very low noise at both 10 MHz and 20 MHz. The fine pitch of the pixels is ideally matched to the resolution of optical microscopes. The CoolSNAP HQ2 offers optimal low-light-level sensitivity across the entire visible spectrum — and even into the near-infrared region. This interline camera is an ideal choice for a broad range of high-speed, high-resolution microscopy applications.
DOWNLOAD CoolSNAP HQ2 Software Welcome CoolSNAP HQ2 Software users To access the most current version of the Teledyne Photometrics CoolSNAP HQ2 software, please complete and submit the form below. Created Date: 2/9/ PM. vi CoolSNAP HQ2/CoolSNAP K4 User Manual U. S. Government Restricted Rights The software and documentation are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the.” from Intelligent-Imaging Innovations, Inc. is on the Core CoolSnap HQ2 - recommended for “routine” imaging, high resolution. CoolSNAP HQ2 User Manual Roper Digital Camera ES User's Manual · CoolSNAP cf 产品手册 (彩色) Roper Digital Camera E User's Manual · HQ2. COOLSNAP. E. User Manual for CoolSNAPfxTM and CoolSNAP HQ. Systems according to the instructions in the product User Manual or arrange with the customer.